Doctor Martin rocks

Spent some time on Monday in Port Isaac watching a film crew shoot footage for the upcoming new series of Doc. Martin. It always amazes me when a film crew is in a public location how they get their shots, while all the time dozens and possibly hundreds of joe-public are just out of shot camera left.

The show continues to provoke controversy in the village with the locals divided in their views; some posters in shop windows pledging allegiance with “We support Doc Martin in Port Isaac”. If it can be accomodated without too much inconvenience then I say bring it on, I’m sure Port Isaac must benefit overall.

This trip to Cornwall was the first for Mum and she enjoyed seeing the locations used in the show. We even got a photo taken of her with Ian McNeice (Bert Large in the show). Mum was impressed at how polite he was, he asked her about the Australian logo on her jacket and she was surprised to hear his London accent when he is Cornish on-screen. I was fortunate enough to snag this shot of Martin Clunes as he was leaving the set.

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