IT Nirvana

There’s one thing a techie likes to do more than fix a really crappy IT problem and that’s – given half a chance – to explain how he/she did it, pretty much to who ever’ll listen. Well this techie does anyway!

It’s amazing how the smallest of IT faux pas’s can fester into what can appear to be a really nasty issue. For instance, faced with a customer reporting that one particular product on their e-commerce website causes a crash; and only this one particular product. Why? Because the website designer had copied and pasted links when creating the site and had accidentally left one link pointing to a static IP address rather than the real domain name.

Amazingly this appears completely correct to the public. They see a nice booking form and can complete it. It’s only when they throw their order over the fence at the bank that it goes pop. The reason … the bank will only accept e-commerce transactions from the FQDN and not an IP address! And for very good reason, you remember security … tall chap left in the 5th form!

A single, small typo many months ago that can come back to frag you! And I didn’t even need to use my sonic screwdriver 🙂

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