The Dresden Files

After a less than satisfying outing with book 1 of Robert Jordan’s “Wheel of Time” saga, “Eye of the World” – I sneaked a peak at the back of book 12 and realised that I didn’t really care that much how the story or characters had reached this point. Couple this with the inevitable fantasy parallels with LOTR; why can’t fantasy authors come up with a new bad guy instead of “the dark – delete where applicable – one/lord/master” it is fantasy guys imagine something new.

Off topic there but a scene-setting was needed to see why I picked up Storm Front, book 1 of Jim Butcher’s Dresden Files. It is an easy read, no presumption, no dark individual in sight and no need to read 14 books to find out how it ends. I’m enjoying this book as it entertains and amuses me; I quickly realised that it very much reads as a screenplay and wasn’t really surprised to find out that it had been made into a TV show. Albeit suffering the fate of much good new Sci-Fi these days … one season-itis – not really sure what the suits at these studios use to think.

See Firefly for further details 🙁

The season runs to 12 episodes, spookily the same number of books written, so I guess they’re a straight transfer to screen. Had a wander round Youtube for any snippits and after wading my way through the inevitable music videos I did uncover 6 minutes and 24 seconds of Storm Front. Nothing standout but I do need to pick it up on DVD sometime.

Currently around 100 pages to go.

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